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How can I get the nearest entity in python Question: My code: from mss import mss import math import cv2 import numpy as np import torch model = torch.hub.load(r’yolov5-master’, ‘custom’, path=r’’, source=’local’) with mss() as sct: monitor = {"top": 220, "left": 640, "width": 640, "height":640} while True: screenshot = np.array(sct.grab(monitor)) screenshot = cv2.cvtColor(screenshot, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) results …

Total answers: 1

CV2 imshow function not responding

CV2 imshow function not responding Question: I try to detect color on the screen in real time and when I’m using imshow function it is not responding and I can’t see my screen live Someone can help? import numpy as np from PIL import Image from mss import mss import cv2 as cv import pyautogui …

Total answers: 1