
Tensorflow using all of one GPU but little of the other

Tensorflow using all of one GPU but little of the other Question: After running into OOM errors using Tensorflow Object Detection API with an NVIDIA 3080 (10GB) I bought a 4090 (24GB). I am currently running both together, but I noticed that in high batch size runs, I’m using almost all the 3080 but varying …

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Tensorflow-keras 2.X multi gpu prediction

Tensorflow-keras 2.X multi gpu prediction Question: I have 4GPU(rtx 3090) in one pc. I used only 1GPU for training and prediction, but now I’m going to use 4GPU. During training, 4gpu activation was successful, but only 1GPU is active for prediction. mirrored_strategy = tf.distribute.MirroredStrategy() with mirrored_strategy.scope(): model = MyModel() model_checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint(model_path, monitor=’loss’, verbose=1, save_best_only=True) …

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