
Why does a python function work in parallel even if it should not?

Why does a python function work in parallel even if it should not? Question: I am running this code using the healpy package. I am not using multiprocessing and I need it to run on a single core. It worked for a certain amount of time, but, when I run it now, the function healpy.projector.GnomonicProj.projmap …

Total answers: 1

Python: Multicore processing?

Python: Multicore processing? Question: I’ve been reading about Python’s multiprocessing module. I still don’t think I have a very good understanding of what it can do. Let’s say I have a quadcore processor and I have a list with 1,000,000 integers and I want the sum of all the integers. I could simply do: list_sum …

Total answers: 3

Python Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) workaround on multi-core systems using taskset on Linux?

Python Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) workaround on multi-core systems using taskset on Linux? Question: So I just finished watching this talk on the Python Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) The gist of it is that the GIL is a pretty good design for single core systems (Python essentially leaves the thread handling/scheduling up to the …

Total answers: 7