
Overriding multiprocessing.queues.Queue put method

Overriding multiprocessing.queues.Queue put method Question: I want to implement a multiprocessing.Queue that does not add an element that already exists. Using Python STL Queue I had no problem, following this response. For multiprocessing I had some issues that I solved thanks to this For that I do the following: from multiprocessing.queues import Queue from multiprocessing …

Total answers: 2

How to limit the number or parallel executions using Python multiprocessing – Queue(), Manager(), Pool()

How to limit the number or parallel executions using Python multiprocessing – Queue(), Manager(), Pool() Question: Hej all, I am struggling to limit the number of parallel executions in the below Python code using multiprocessing – in particular Queue(), Manager() and Pool(). My understand was that multiprocessing.Pool(processes=2) would result in two workers running in parallel …

Total answers: 1

Overriden `` does not execute asynchronously

Overriden `` does not execute asynchronously Question: Having subclassed import multiprocessing as mp import time DELAY = 2 class NewProcess(mp.get_context().Process): def run(self) -> None: # add new kwarg to item[4] slot old_que = self._args[0] new_que = mp.SimpleQueue() while not old_que.empty(): item = old_que.get() new_que.put( ( item[0], item[1], item[2], # Function item[3], # Arguments item[4] …

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Python – Multiprocessing of multiple variable length iterators

Python – Multiprocessing of multiple variable length iterators Question: I am having trouble identifying how to iterate over two unequal length lists in Python using multiprocessing. I basically want each value in each list to be computed against each other which I have been accomplishing in a nested loop. What I am finding is that …

Total answers: 2

Python code using multiprocessing works on Windows, but does not work on Ubuntu

Python code using multiprocessing works on Windows, but does not work on Ubuntu Question: I am trying to make the downloading of files from the server and their processing using a transformer model into separate processes. To practice working with a queue in multiprocessing, I wrote a small example that works fine on Windows, but …

Total answers: 1

Plotting with multiprocessing

Plotting with multiprocessing Question: Is it possible to plot in parallel processes? If not, can you please explain why this is the case? In the script below I’ve provided an example of plotting in a loop, a ThreadPool and a multiprocessing Pool. In the loop and ThreadPool things work as expected. In the multiprocessing Pool …

Total answers: 2

How to run several python scripts in one file concurrently?

How to run several python scripts in one file concurrently? Question: I want to run several python scripts from the main file and make them work in parallel. I would like to print their outputs in a console if it is possible. It’s better to run them in different processes to be able to operate …

Total answers: 1