
How to normalise keywords extracted with Named Entity Recognition

How to normalise keywords extracted with Named Entity Recognition Question: I’m trying to employ NER to extract keywords (tags) from job postings. This can be anything along with React, AWS, Team Building, Marketing. After training a custom model in SpaCy I’m presented with a problem – extracted tags are not unified/normalized across all of the …

Total answers: 2

AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'ents' in building NER using BERT

AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'ents' in building NER using BERT Question: I’m trying to build a NER model using Bert-base-NER for a tweets dataset and ending up getting this error . Please help This is what I have done from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForTokenClassification from transformers import pipeline tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("dslim/bert-base-NER") model = …

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How to visualize Stanford Stanza NER results with BRAT

How to visualize Stanford Stanza NER results with BRAT Question: I am using Stanza Biomedical i2b2 processor to identify PROBLEM, TREATMENT and TEST entities in drugs data. Python code is as follows: import stanza "en", package="mimc", processors={"ner": ["i2b2"]}, verbose=False, ) nlp = stanza.Pipeline( "en", package="mimc", processors={"ner": ["i2b2"]}, verbose=False, ) parsed_row = nlp("Prevention of phototoxicity …

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How to keep structure of text after feeding it to a pipeline for NER

How to keep structure of text after feeding it to a pipeline for NER Question: I’ve build an NER (named entity recognition) model, based on a HuggingFace existing model and that I fine-tuned to recognize my custom entities. The text I want to run my model on is in a txt file. The code of …

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How to identify body part names in a text with python

How to identify body part names in a text with python Question: I am trying to specify whether an entity is a body part. For example in "Other specified disorders of the right ear," I want to be able to identify the right ear as an entity. I tried some named entity recognition methods but …

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Pytorch with CUDA throws RuntimeError when using pack_padded_sequence

Pytorch with CUDA throws RuntimeError when using pack_padded_sequence Question: I am trying to train a BiLSTM-CRF on detecting new NER entities with Pytorch. To do so, I am using a snippet of code derivated from the Pytorch Advanced tutorial. This snippet implements batch training. I followed the READ-ME in order to present data as required. …

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Address Splitting with NLP

Address Splitting with NLP Question: I am working currently on a project that should identify each part of an address, for example from "str. Jack London 121, Corvallis, ARAD, ap. 1603, 973130 " the output should be like this: street name: Jack London; no: 121; city: Corvallis; state: ARAD; apartment: 1603; zip code: 973130 The …

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Custom NERs training with spaCy 3 throws ValueError

Custom NERs training with spaCy 3 throws ValueError Question: I am trying to add custom NER labels using spacy 3. I found tutorials for older versions and made adjustments for spacy 3. Here is the whole code I am using: import random import spacy from import Example LABEL = ‘ANIMAL’ TRAIN_DATA = [ ("Horses …

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Scispacy for biomedical named entitiy recognition(NER)

Scispacy for biomedical named entitiy recognition(NER) Question: How to label entities using scispacy? When I tried to perform NER using scispacy, it identified the biomedical entities by labeling them as Entity but failed to label them as gene/protein, etc.. So how do I do that using scispacy? Or is scispacy not capable of labeling data? …

Total answers: 3