
docker login –username AWS –password-stdin https://<accountNumber>.dkr.ecr.<region> exited with error code 1:

docker login –username AWS –password-stdin https://<accountNumber>.dkr.ecr.<region> exited with error code 1: Question: I’m simply adopting the Eventbridge ETL design pattern and it gives me this error when I deploy: [100%] fail: docker login –username AWS –password-stdin exited with error code 1: ❌ the-eventbridge-etl failed: Error: Failed to publish one or more assets. See the …

Total answers: 2

stdout stdin node to python

stdout stdin node to python Question: I am trying to learn how to pass data back and forth between node and Python using stdin and stdout. This is something super bare bones where the node app.js calls the Python file app.js const spawn = require("child_process").spawn; const pythonProcess = spawn(‘python3’,[""]); pythonProcess.stdout.on(‘data’, (data) => { mystr …

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Can't install any jupyterlab extensions in docker image

Can't install any jupyterlab extensions in docker image Question: I am running docker build task in Azure pipelines on a pipeline agent that runs on an on-prem host. I am trying to "RUN jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager". In the base image: node=14.14.0 jupyter=1.0.0 jupyter-packaging = 0.7.12 jupyter-resource-usage= 0.5.1 jupyter_client = 6.1.7 jupyter_console = 6.2.0 jupyter_core …

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Display terminal output live onto webpage

Display terminal output live onto webpage Question: I’m trying to create a web page where the user will press a button, and it will send some code presented in a div to the terminal which will be executed, I would then want the live output of that code to be displayed in a terminal like …

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Install nodejs in python slim buster

Install nodejs in python slim buster Question: I have a Dockerfile that starts with FROM python:3.7-slim-buster and I want to install node.js and npm in it. How can I install them in this image? Asked By: David Masip || Source Answers: This should work: FROM python:3.7-slim-buster # setup dependencies RUN apt-get update RUN apt-get install …

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Is it possible to use a python script in Vue.js?

Is it possible to use a python script in Vue.js? Question: I observe that I cannot instantiate a child process in Vue.js. Is there any way to execute a python script in Vue.js (2.x) ? Asked By: David Capragiu || Source Answers: Vue is strictly a client-side framework, except when being used from Nuxt.js. If …

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nodejs ask python-minimal that no longer use on python2

nodejs ask python-minimal that no longer use on python2 Question: i use linux nodejs had no problem untill i upgraded my system (sudo apt upgrade) now when i try to install nodejs it say python-minimal mot installed then i knew that it casue of updating python from python2.7.17 to python2.7.18 and python minimal is no …

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How to Hot-Reload in ReactJS Docker

How to Hot-Reload in ReactJS Docker Question: This might sound simple, but I have this problem. I have two docker containers running. One is for my front-end and other is for my backend services. these are the Dockerfiles for both services. front-end Dockerfile : # Use an official node runtime as a parent image FROM …

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"tfjs_binding.node" not found in @tensorflow installed folder

"tfjs_binding.node" not found in @tensorflow installed folder Question: When i try to use some functionalities of tensorflow it later gives and error inshort as “tfjs_binding.node” not found in @tensorflow insatlled folder. i have installed python 2.7 as it had to be installed as a requirement before tensor flow .. and checked its validty by “python …

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How to increment msg.payload[i] in node-red

How to increment msg.payload[i] in node-red Question: We are working on an ubuntu server, where we have installed node-red. What we want is to take data from one table on our MySQL Database, and then move it to another table. Our flow looks like this: Our ‘Select Tolerance’ node contains: msg.topic = “SELECT * FROM …

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