
Replace spaces with non-breaking spaces according to a specific criterion

Replace spaces with non-breaking spaces according to a specific criterion Question: I want to clean up files that contain bad formatting, more precisely, replace "normal" spaces with non-breaking spaces according to a given criterion. For example: If in a sentence, I have: "You need to walk 5 km." I need to replace the space between …

Total answers: 1

  in Python 3.6 – getting text using an XPath expression

&nbsp; in Python 3.6 – getting text using an XPath expression Question: <div class = "card-block cms> <p>and then have a tea or coffee on the balcony of the cafeteria.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> </div> I am trying to check if the text I crawl of a website contains   texts = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//div[@class=’card-block cms’]") textInDivTag = texts.text print(textInDivTag) …

Total answers: 3