
Custom controller very slow for some users, really slow for others

Custom controller very slow for some users, really slow for others Question: We have built a custom controller for a customer which passed products data and loads their products in a custom url. The controllers are basically like this: class CustomProducts(http.Controller): @http.route(‘/custom’, type=’http’, auth=’public’, website=True, methods=[‘GET’]) def render_custom_products(self, **kw): if kw.get(‘order’): if kw.get(‘order’) != "": …

Total answers: 2

Odoo: psycopg2.OperationalError: FATAL: too many connections for role "p_my_oerp_master_11234451"

Odoo: psycopg2.OperationalError: FATAL: too many connections for role "p_my_oerp_master_11234451" Question: Since Today (the 30 of September), using Odoo v13 on Odoo.sh, after logging in my odoo account as "ADMIN" or another odoo user, i got this error every minute and all "Odoo internal Users" get disconnected from their session every couple of minutes: psycopg2.OperationalError: FATAL: …

Total answers: 2

Access other field of currently logged user In domain in Action window Odoo13

Access other field of currently logged user In domain in Action window Odoo13 Question: I have a domain in window action. I want to filter the data by this domain, and I need to acccees another field of currently logged user some like this (uid.branch_ids.ids) and use this field in the domain. I don’t know …

Total answers: 1

How to open one2many record in current window, not a popup in odoo V13

How to open one2many record in current window, not a popup in odoo V13 Question: I searched through the old forums and didn’t find any decent answers. Is it possible to click on a record in a one2many list and have it open the full page, rather than just the popup? If yes, where else …

Total answers: 2

How to force remove records form lines in odoo?

How to force remove records form lines in odoo? Question: something wrong happened in account moves as adding an analytic account to journal items of vendor bills and I need to loop on all lines in account moves and remove the analytic account from all lines by this bit of code class NewModule(models.Model): _inherit = …

Total answers: 2