
Connecting to SharePoint using Azure app authentication and Python

Connecting to SharePoint using Azure app authentication and Python Question: I created a self signed certificate and uploaded it to an Azure app registration, similar to what I’ve done with a dozen or so other apps. I’m attempting to connect to my SharePoint site with Python’s office365 library, which is not something I have a …

Total answers: 2

Microsoft GRAPH API to get total number of mails in my inbox

Microsoft GRAPH API to get total number of mails in my inbox Question: I am writing to script to check my mail and download the attachments. What I am trying to do is to check my Total inbox mail count every 5mins and find if there is a new mail and download its attachments. I …

Total answers: 1

Office 365 IMAP authentication via OAuth2 and python MSAL library

Office 365 IMAP authentication via OAuth2 and python MSAL library Question: I’m trying to upgrade a legacy mail bot to authenticate via Oauth2 instead of Basic authentication, as it’s now deprecated two days from now. The document states applications can retain their original logic, while swapping out only the authentication bit Application developers who have …

Total answers: 3