
Error in importing environment OpenAI Gym

Error in importing environment OpenAI Gym Question: I am trying to run an OpenAI Gym environment however I get the following error: import gym env = gym.make(‘Breakout-v0’) ERROR /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ale_py/gym/ DeprecationWarning: Importing atari-py roms won’t be supported in future releases of ale-py. import ale_py.roms as roms A.L.E: Arcade Learning Environment (version +a54a328) [Powered by Stella] Traceback …

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Register gym environment that is defined inside a jupyter notebook cell

Register gym environment that is defined inside a jupyter notebook cell Question: I’m trying to register an environment that has been defined inside a cell of a jupyter notebook running on colab. My problem is concerned with the entry_point. Some module has to be specified before the colon. But how do I know the module’s …

Total answers: 2

Gym's box 2d (openAI) doesn't install successfully (pip error)

Gym's box 2d (openAI) doesn't install successfully (pip error) Question: I’m trying to do the follow code with OpenAI: import gym env = gym.make(‘CarRacing-v0′) env.reset() for _ in range(1000): env.render() env.step(env.action_space.sample()) but it throws the error: fn = getattr(mod, attr_name) AttributeError: module ‘gym.envs.box2d’ has no attribute ‘CarRacing’ And then I try to install box2d by …

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Getting error: module 'gym' has no attribute 'make'

Getting error: module 'gym' has no attribute 'make' Question: I am trying to run a basic OpenAI-gym program available on their OpenAI-gym’s official documentation: import gym env = gym.make(“CartPole-v1”) observation = env.reset() for _ in range(1000): env.render() action = env.action_space.sample() # your agent here (this takes random actions) observation, reward, done, info = env.step(action) if …

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rllib use custom registered environments

rllib use custom registered environments Question: Rllib docs provide some information about how to create and train a custom environment. There is some information about registering that environment, but I guess it needs to work differently than gym registration. I’m testing this out working with the SimpleCorridor environment. If I add the registration code to …

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OpenAI gym: when is reset required?

OpenAI gym: when is reset required? Question: Although I can manage to get the examples and my own code to run, I am more curious about the real semantics / expectations behind OpenAI gym API, in particular Env.reset() When is reset expected/required? At the end of each episode? Or only after creating an environment? I …

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OpenAI Gym Atari on Windows

OpenAI Gym Atari on Windows Question: I’m having issues installing OpenAI Gym Atari environment on Windows 10. I have successfully installed and used OpenAI Gym already on the same system. It keeps tripping up when trying to run a makefile. I am running the command pip install gym[atari] Here is the error: and here is …

Total answers: 5