
Xgboost throws an error when trying to import

Xgboost throws an error when trying to import Question: I have a project that is using xgboost. We now transfer the project to containers. But after installing it using pip, it throws the following error: Traceback (most recent call last): File “”, line 5, in <module> from autoai.core.providers import GlobalEnrichmentProvider File “/volumes/code/autoai/core/providers/”, line 1, in …

Total answers: 4

OpenMP and Python

OpenMP and Python Question: I have experience in coding OpenMP for Shared Memory machines (in both C and FORTRAN) to carry out simple tasks like matrix addition, multiplication etc. (Just to see how it competes with LAPACK). I know OpenMP enough to carry out simple tasks without the need to look at documentation. Recently, I …

Total answers: 7

Python and OpenMP C Extensions

Python and OpenMP C Extensions Question: I have a C extension in which I’d like to use OpenMP. When I import my module, though, I get an import error: ImportError: /home/…/ undefined symbol: GOMP_parallel_end I’ve compiled the module with -fopenmp and -lgomp. Is this because my Python installation wasn’t compiled with the -fopenmp flag? Will …

Total answers: 3