
openpyxl save workbook to file with path

openpyxl save workbook to file with path Question: I use Openpyxl in Python to write some data in an Excel file using Workbook. When I want to save the workbook to a file, I can only provide a filename argument, so I can not write files in other directories. here is my sample code: import …

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Concat excel cols and combine rows into one using python pandas

Concat excel cols and combine rows into one using python pandas Question: I have a data in excel sheet like as below Name Segment revenue Product_id Status Order_count days_ago Dummy High value 1000 P_ABC Yes 2 30 days ago Dummy High value 1000 P_CDE No 1 20 days ago Dummy High value 1000 P_EFG Yes …

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"No module named 'openpyxl'" after installing with pip3 in Python 3.10.5

"No module named 'openpyxl'" after installing with pip3 in Python 3.10.5 Question: I installed openpyxl from the command line with pip. I am trying to run the code: import openpyxl from openpxyl import Workbook I get: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘openpyxl’. This happens even though openpyxl shows up in the list of installed packages that …

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Filter JSON using bs4 or other and organize in excel using openpyxl

Filter JSON using bs4 or other and organize in excel using openpyxl Question: I want to filter a json file from For example,$1111 and I want to get all the "policy"’s and how many time it repeats and organize it on a excel using openpyxl and in the first column the policies and …

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I lose leading zeros when copy data from dataframe to openpyxl.workbook

I lose leading zeros when copy data from dataframe to openpyxl.workbook Question: I use openpyxl and pandas to fill row color with specified condition. Everything works fine but in some cells I lose leading zeros (like 0345 -> output 345), I don’t want that. How can I get the exact data? dt = pd.read_excel(file_luu, sheet_name="Sheet1") …

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Index Enumeration doesn't seem to be operating properly. Where am I messing up?

Index Enumeration doesn't seem to be operating properly. Where am I messing up? Question: I’m trying to figure out how to enumerate an index properly into specified cells on an Excel spreadsheet using Python. Following a tutorial video, I thought I had it figured out, but it doesn’t seem to be pulling each index value …

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Python Openpyxl – Append many excel files into 1 file

Python Openpyxl – Append many excel files into 1 file Question: I have 10 Excel files (they have same number of columns, and varying number of rows) I need to append data from those 10 files into one single Excel file using Openpyxl Python library Read data from File1, append it to new_file Read data …

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Error when writting image from python to Excel

Error when writting image from python to Excel Question: I am trying to run this code: wb=openpyxl.load_workbook(‘Output_Report_v16.xlsm’,read_only=False,keep_vba=True) sheets=wb.sheetnames sheet_InputData_Overview=wb [sheets[7]] img=openpyxl.drawing.image.Image(‘Eink_Liq.png’) sheet_InputData_Overview.add_image(ws.cell(2,28))‘Output_Report_v16.xlsm’) When python runs the last line of code this error arises: ‘Cell’ object has no attribute ‘_id’ The excel file contains VBA which should not be changed or deleted. Do you have …

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openpyxl [Errno 13] permission denied when creating xlsx unless using debugger

openpyxl [Errno 13] permission denied when creating xlsx unless using debugger Question: I’m trying to write an excel file using openpyxl. I’m using PyCharm Community Edition 2021.2.3, with Python 3.8.10. When doing so, I get an exception Exception: [Errno 13] Permission denied I should precise, the file is not already opened. When I’m running the …

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