
How to subclass an OrderedDict?

How to subclass an OrderedDict? Question: Subclassing a Python dict works as expected: >>> class DictSub(dict): … def __init__(self): … self[1] = 10 … >>> DictSub() {1: 10} However, doing the same thing with a collections.OrderedDict does not work: >>> import collections >>> class OrdDictSub(collections.OrderedDict): … def __init__(self): … self[1] = 10 … >>> OrdDictSub() …

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Accessing items in an collections.OrderedDict by index

Accessing items in an collections.OrderedDict by index Question: Lets say I have the following code: import collections d = collections.OrderedDict() d[‘foo’] = ‘python’ d[‘bar’] = ‘spam’ Is there a way I can access the items in a numbered manner, like: d(0) #foo’s Output d(1) #bar’s Output Asked By: Billjk || Source Answers: If its an …

Total answers: 9

Last element in OrderedDict

Last element in OrderedDict Question: I have od of type OrderedDict. I want to access its most recently added (key, value) pair. od.popitem(last = True) would do it, but would also remove the pair from od which I don’t want. What’s a good way to do that? Can /should I do this: class MyOrderedDict(OrderedDict): def …

Total answers: 4

finding n largest differences between two lists

finding n largest differences between two lists Question: I have two lists old and new, with the same number of elements. I’m trying to write an efficient function that takes n as a parameter, compares the elements of two lists at the same locations (by index), finds n largest differences, and returns the indices of …

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How to sort OrderedDict of OrderedDict?

How to sort OrderedDict of OrderedDict? Question: I’m trying to sort OrderedDict in OrderedDict by ‘depth’ key. Is there any solution to sort that Dictionary ? OrderedDict([ (2, OrderedDict([ (‘depth’, 0), (‘height’, 51), (‘width’, 51), (‘id’, 100) ])), (1, OrderedDict([ (‘depth’, 2), (‘height’, 51), (‘width’, 51), (‘id’, 55) ])), (0, OrderedDict([ (‘depth’, 1), (‘height’, 51), …

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Override the {…} notation so i get an OrderedDict() instead of a dict()?

Override the {…} notation so i get an OrderedDict() instead of a dict()? Question: Update: dicts retaining insertion order is guaranteed for Python 3.7+ I want to use a .py file like a config file. So using the {…} notation I can create a dictionary using strings as keys but the definition order is lost …

Total answers: 7

Can I get JSON to load into an OrderedDict?

Can I get JSON to load into an OrderedDict? Question: Ok so I can use an OrderedDict in json.dump. That is, an OrderedDict can be used as an input to JSON. But can it be used as an output? If so how? In my case I’d like to load into an OrderedDict so I can …

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How to know the position of items in a Python ordered dictionary

How to know the position of items in a Python ordered dictionary Question: Can we know the position of items in Python’s ordered dictionary? For example: If I have dictionary: // Ordered_dict is OrderedDictionary Ordered_dict = {“fruit”: “banana”, “drinks”: “water”, “animal”: “cat”} Now how do I know in which position cat belongs to? Is it …

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