
DASK: merge throws error when one side's key is NA whereas pd.merge works

DASK: merge throws error when one side's key is NA whereas pd.merge works Question: I have these sample dataframes: tdf1 = pd.DataFrame([{"id": 1, "val": 4}, {"id": 2, "val": 5}, {"id": 3, "val": 6}, {"id": pd.NA, "val": 7}, {"id": 4, "val": 8}]) tdf2 = pd.DataFrame([{"some_id": 1, "name": "Josh"}, {"some_id": 3, "name": "Jake"}]) pd.merge(tdf1, tdf2, how="left", left_on="id", …

Total answers: 1

Pandas Merge to Determine if Value exists

Pandas Merge to Determine if Value exists Question: I have checklist form data coming into a spreadsheet that I am trying to determine if a specific value was not checked and provide info based off that. My first thought was to have a master list/df where all the form values are then do a left/right …

Total answers: 2

Pandas convert dummies to a new column

Pandas convert dummies to a new column Question: I have a dataframe that discretize the customers into different Q’s, which looks like: CustomerID_num Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Country 0 12346 1 0 0 0 0 United Kingdom 2 12347 0 0 0 0 1 Iceland 9 12348 0 1 0 0 0 Finland 13 …

Total answers: 3