
What exactly is meant by "partial function" in functional programming?

What exactly is meant by "partial function" in functional programming? Question: According to my understanding, partial functions are functions that we get by passing fewer parameters to a function than expected. For example, if this were directly valid in Python: >>> def add(x,y): … return x+y … >>> new_function = add(1) >>> new_function(2) 3 In …

Total answers: 3

Passing parameterized function handle in Python

Passing parameterized function handle in Python Question: I have a general function that defines a form of an ODE that I plan to integrate using scipy.integrate.odeint, for example: def my_ode(K, tau, y, u): return K*u/tau – y/tau # dydt I have several objects in my code that all have dynamics of the form defined in …

Total answers: 2

functools.partial wants to use a positional argument as a keyword argument

functools.partial wants to use a positional argument as a keyword argument Question: So I am trying to understand partial: import functools def f(x,y) : print x+y g0 = functools.partial( f, 3 ) g0(1) 4 # Works as expected In: g1 = functools.partial( f, y=3 ) g1(1) 4 # Works as expected In: g2 = functools.partial( …

Total answers: 3

How does functools partial do what it does?

How does functools partial do what it does? Question: I am not able to get my head on how the partial works in functools. I have the following code from here: >>> sum = lambda x, y : x + y >>> sum(1, 2) 3 >>> incr = lambda y : sum(1, y) >>> incr(2) …

Total answers: 8

Python Argument Binders

How can I bind arguments to a function in Python? Question: How can I bind arguments to a Python function so that I can call it later without arguments (or with fewer additional arguments)? For example: def add(x, y): return x + y add_5 = magic_function(add, 5) assert add_5(3) == 8 What is the magic_function …

Total answers: 7