
How to find MacOS 'Utilities' folder contents with Python

How to find MacOS 'Utilities' folder contents with Python Question: When calling : Path(‘/Applications/Utilities’).iterdir() The returned result is only ‘.localized’ but when I look in the Utilities folder with finder there are many apps – Disk Utility, Airport Utility, etc. I hav also tried .listdir() with the OS module and same result. Bigger code sample …

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pathlib.Path.relative_to doesn't resolve path

pathlib.Path.relative_to doesn't resolve path Question: I’m getting a nonsymetric behavior when using Path.relative_to versus os.path.relpath, see examples below. In Correspondence to tools in the os module, I was guided to believe they behave the same. I’m working with two paths here C:SyncRmaster_head_bin C:Syncinstalled I’m using Python 3.9.15. os.path.relpath >>> import os.path >>> import pathlib >>> …

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Checking if filename prefixes match parent directory prefix recursively with pathlib

Checking if filename prefixes match parent directory prefix recursively with pathlib Question: I’ve written a script that uses pathlib to compare a list of files provided by the user to what is actually in a target directory. It then returns lists of files that were expected but not found, and files that were found but …

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Add multiple elements to pathlib path

Add multiple elements to pathlib path Question: I have a Python pathlib Path and a list of strings, and I’d like to concatenate the strings to the path. This works from pathlib import Path a = Path("a") lst = ["b", "c", "d"] for item in lst: a = a / item print(a) a/b/c/d but is …

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Custom naming of files in Python using pathlib library

Custom naming of files in Python using pathlib library Question: With the os library you can pass a variable to os.path.join as a file name when creating the file. file_name = "file.txt" folder_with_files = os.getcwd() with open(os.path.join(folder_with_files,f"{file_name}.txt"),’w’) as file: file.write("fail") Is there any way to have the same functionality with the pathlib library? The following, …

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Trouble getting file name with extension using pathlib

Trouble getting file name with extension using pathlib Question: I have this code which gives me the filename no problem. It gives it to me without the extension. Any way to get with extension? from pathlib import Path file = ‘somepath’ path_object = Path(file) filename = path_object.stem Asked By: UneRoue || Source Answers: You can …

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Convert a relative path (mp3) from a master file path (playlist) using python pathlib

Convert a relative path (mp3) from a master file path (playlist) using python pathlib Question: I have three files My python file running in an unimportant different folder: A playlist file "C:ZZXXPlaylist.pls" which points to ….mp3song.mp3 The C:mp3song.mp3 file. What I want is to get the location of the mp3 as an absolute path. …

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Python – Adding image to mp3 files in folder

Python – Adding image to mp3 files in folder Question: I have a folder with 10 ".mp3" songs, I want to add an image to those songs and render all files in mp4 format, but I am getting an error : AttributeError: ‘WindowsPath’ object has no attribute ‘endswith’ Code: from moviepy.editor import * from pathlib …

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Can I resolve environment variables with pathlib.Path without os.path.expandvars?

Can I resolve environment variables with pathlib.Path without os.path.expandvars? Question: Is there a clean way to resolve environment variables or %VARIABLES% in general purely with the Path class without having to use a fallback solution like os.path.expandvars or "my/path/%variable%".fortmat(**os.environ)? The question How to use win environment variable "pathlib" to save files? doesn’t provide an answer. …

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Pathlib – print contents of a folder

Print contents of a folder Question: Here is my example. Ex: I have a folder that contains another 3 folders (FoldA, FoldB, and FoldC), a .txt file, and a .png file. I have the following working code which works to print the contents a folder or directory. import pathlib rd = pathlib.Path("E:\Location\MainFolder") for td in …

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