
Why do I scrape corrupted PDFs of same size with BeautifulSoup?

Why do I scrape corrupted PDFs of same size with BeautifulSoup? Question: I went through similar topics here but did not find anything helpful for my case. I managed to get all PDFs (for personal learning purposes) in local folder but cannot open them. They also have the same (310 kB) size. Perhaps, you find …

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Create a partial pdf from bytes in python

Create a partial pdf from bytes in python Question: I have a pdf file somewhere. This pdf is being send to the destination in equal amount of bytes (apart from the last chunk). Let’s say this pdf file is being read in like this in python: with open(filename, ‘rb’) as file: chunk = file.read(3000) while …

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UTF-8 support in reportlab (Python)

UTF-8 support in reportlab (Python) Question: Problem I can’t create a PDF from UTF-8 encoded text using reportlab. What I get is a document full of black squares. See the screenshot below: Prerequisites pip install faker reportlab Code import tempfile from faker import Faker from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import letter from reportlab.lib.styles import getSampleStyleSheet from reportlab.lib.units import …

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Read PDF in base64 format with a PDF library in Python

Read PDF in base64 format with a PDF library in Python Question: I have a base64 string and I need to read it with a Python library. I can do that with the following steps: Decode the PDF in base64 Save it into a new file Read it with libraries like PyPDF2 But since I …

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How can I make pdf2image work with PDFs that have paths containing Chinese characters?

How can I make pdf2image work with PDFs that have paths containing Chinese characters? Question: Following this question, I tried to run the following code to convert PDF with a path that contains Chinese characters to images: from pdf2image import convert_from_path images = convert_from_path(‘path with Chinese character in it/some Chinese character.pdf’, 500) # save images …

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Attached PDF to MS Teams chatbot

Attached PDF to MS Teams chatbot Question: I am trying to attach a pdf file in a MS Teams bot. I get the following error " [on_turn_error] unhandled error: (BadArgument) Unknown attachment type". Would anyone know why it might not work? The following is a portion of my code that concerns the error… unfortunately since …

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Downloading pdf files from php server || saving not available files

Downloading pdf files from php server || saving not available files Question: I am trying to download the PDFs (a few can be word files, very rarely) located on a PHP server. It appears that on the server, the PDFs are numbered increasingly from 1 to 14000. The PDFs can be downloaded using the link: …

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Error: FloatObject (b'0.000000000000-14210855') invalid; use 0.0 instead while using PyPDF2

Error: FloatObject (b'0.000000000000-14210855') invalid; use 0.0 instead while using PyPDF2 Question: I am using function to count occurrences of given word in pdf using PyPDF2. While the function is running I get message in terminal: FloatObject (b’0.000000000000-14210855′) invalid; use 0.0 instead My code: def count_words(word): print() print(‘Counting words..’) files = os.listdir(‘./pdfs’) counted_words = [] for …

Total answers: 2