
Does anyone know how I can read PDFs off of a S3 bucket using `pdfplumber`?

Does anyone know how I can read PDFs off of a S3 bucket using `pdfplumber`? Question: I’m trying to read PDF files that are stored in a S3 bucket, using a Python package called pdfplumber. I tried the following approaches, but none of them has worked. Does anyone know how I can read PDFs off …

Total answers: 1

Python – Reset BytesIO So Next File Isn't Appended

Python – Reset BytesIO So Next File Isn't Appended Question: I’m having a problem with BytesIO library in Python. I want to convert a pdf file that I have retrieved from an S3 bucket, and convert it into a dataframe using a custom function convert_bytes_to_df. The first pdf file is fine to convert to a …

Total answers: 1

Regular expressions python – get only the description V2

Regular expressions python – get only the description V2 Question: i am, again, trying to get description with RE Python modules, and i am almost done, but not everything, so.. I want to extract the description for this list; list = [‘Fatura Original-2ª via’, ‘Nº Z200 1/8206881085 Data 12-10-2022 Moeda EUR25505003116’, ‘NIF PT507399870 Cliente 25505 …

Total answers: 1

How to extract texts and tables pdfplumber

How to extract texts and tables pdfplumber Question: With the pdfplumber library, you can extract the text of a PDF page, or you can extract the tables from a pdf page. The issue is that I can’t seem to find a way to extract text and tables. Essentially, if the pdf is formatted in this …

Total answers: 1