
How do I make a correlation matrix for each subset of a column of my pandas dataframe?

How do I make a correlation matrix for each subset of a column of my pandas dataframe? Question: Here’s the head of my dataframe: There are 100 different loggers and 10 different years. I want to subset the table by logger and find the Pearson correlation values for year by avg_max_temp, avg_min_temp, and tot_precipitation for …

Total answers: 1

How to slice and calculate the pearson correlation coefficient between one big and small array with "overlapping" windows arrays

How to slice and calculate the pearson correlation coefficient between one big and small array with "overlapping" windows arrays Question: Suppose I have two very simple arrays with numpy: import numpy as np reference=np.array([0,1,2,3,0,0,0,7,8,9,10]) probe=np.zeros(3) I would like to find which slice of array reference has the highest pearson’s correlation coefficient with array probe. To …

Total answers: 1

Compute correlations of several vectors

Compute correlations of several vectors Question: I have several pairs of vectors (arranged as two matrices) and I want to compute the vector of their pairwise correlation coefficients (or, better yet, angles between them – but since correlation coefficient is its cosine, I am using numpy.corrcoef): np.array([np.corrcoef(m1[:,i],m2[:,i])[0,1] for i in range(m1.shape[1])]) I wonder if there …

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np.corrcoef returns only nan

np.corrcoef returns only nan Question: i have an array norm_array=np.array([[1, 133, 1, 5.73, 5.09, 11.12, 10.16, 3.38, 15, 3, 8, 7, 4, 5, 1, 6, 1, 2, 18, 12, 48], [1, 185, 0, 4.34, 3.66, 18.23, 14.91, 0, 21, 15, 11, 2, 4, 4, 5, 4, 9, 8, 27, 14, 47], [1, 133, 1, 5.92, …

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correlation matrix with group-by and sort

correlation matrix with group-by and sort Question: I am trying calculate correlation matrix with groupby and sort. I have 100 companies from 11 industries. I would like to group by industry and sort by their total assets (atq), and then calculate the correlation of data.pr_multi with this order. however, when I do sort and groupby, …

Total answers: 2

How to convert every dictionary in a list to a nested dictionary in python?

How to convert every dictionary in a list to a nested dictionary in python? Question: I am using pandas and numpy libraries, to calculate the pearson correlation of two simple lists. The output of the below code is the matrix of correlation: import numpy as np import pandas as pd x = np.array([0, 1, 2, …

Total answers: 2