
How to suppress a pressed key using the Python package keyboard

How to suppress a pressed key using the Python package keyboard Question: I’m trying to suppress the two pressed keys ‘p’ and ‘q’ in this script. The script is build to take pictures with RPi and RPi camera, when pressing the key ‘p’. If you want to quit you press ‘q’. The function keyboard.is_pressed() works …

Total answers: 1

OpenCV corrupting HQ Rapsicam data above 4000×3040 resoution?

OpenCV corrupting HQ Rapsicam data above 4000×3040 resoution? Question: The Problem When I take an image using OpenCV that is larger than 4000 pixels wide, using a high quality picam, the image data appears corrupted (it’s offset). More Detail As stated, I cannot get a good image when using OpenCV at over 4000 pixels wide …

Total answers: 1