
Changing Text Inside Plotly Express Bar Charts

Changing Text Inside Plotly Express Bar Charts Question: I was wondering how I can change the text inside the bars to represent percentages rather than the numbers. I looked at the plotly library, and it seems the only way I can do this is by using plolty.graph_objects. Is there any way I can avoid using …

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How to add the percentage value along with the value count in Plotly Express Bar chart

How to add the percentage value along with the value count in Plotly Express Bar chart Question: Shown below is the syntax used to get the bar chart for a categorical data on plotly express df1= df[‘Catergory’].value_counts().reset_index(name=’Total’) df1[‘Percentage’] = round((df1[‘Total’] / df1[‘Total’].sum())* 100,0) fig =, x=’index’, y=’values’, text_auto= False, text=df[‘Percentage’].apply(lambda x: ‘{0:1.1f}%’.format(x))) fig.update_traces(textfont_size=12, textangle=0, …

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Plotly express order label with a pie chart

Plotly express order label with a pie chart Question: Let’s take this sample dataframe : df = pd.DataFrame({"Day":[‘Monday’, ‘Tuesday’, ‘Wednesday’, ‘Thursday’, ‘Friday’, ‘Saturday’, ‘Sunday’], ‘Proportion’:[0.24495486, 0.17300189, 0.23019185, 0.15408692, 0.17827757,0.01100911, 0.0084778]}) Day Proportion 0 Monday 0.244955 1 Tuesday 0.173002 2 Wednesday 0.230192 3 Thursday 0.154087 4 Friday 0.178278 5 Saturday 0.011009 6 Sunday 0.008478 I would …

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How To Create Subplots Using Plotly Express

How To Create Subplots Using Plotly Express Question: If you’re like me, you love Plotly Express, but were frustrated when you ran into the issue that figures returned by Express can’t utilize ‘make_subplots()’ since make_subplots takes in traces and not figures. With this post, I’d like to share my own solution on how I created …

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Python plotly Express Histogram: Graph not showing all unique TIME_BUCKET values, it clubbing TIME_BUCKETs in hourly value

Python plotly Express Histogram: Graph not showing all unique TIME_BUCKET values, it clubbing TIME_BUCKETs in hourly value Question: My CSV content has three columns like 1.1K columns. This has values for 5 minutes TIME_BUCKET like 03:40:00+00:00, 03:45:00+00:00 etc. I expect the graph to plot histogram for all these different TIME_BUCKETS, but it actually plotting the …

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Offset Polar Bar Radial Origin, python Plotly Express

Offset Polar Bar Radial Origin, python Plotly Express Question: I am generating a WindRose using Plotly Express, and was wondering if it is possible to offset the start point for the radial. What I would like to achieve would be to show 0-2 MPH wind as a circle showing calm, as in figure 2. Not …

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Plotly: Change order of elements in Sunburst Chart

Plotly: Change order of elements in Sunburst Chart Question: I am currently using plotly express to create a Sunburst Chart. However, i realized that children are ordered alphabetical for nominal values. Especially for plotting months that is pretty unlucky… Do you know how to handle that issue? Maybe a property or some workaround? Below there …

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How to manually set the color of points in plotly express scatter plots

How to manually set the color of points in plotly express scatter plots Question: has many scatter plot examples, but not a single one showing you how to set all the points’ colours within px.scatter: # x and y given as DataFrame columns import as px df = # iris is a …

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How to add points or markers to line chart using plotly express?

How to add points or markers to line chart using plotly express? Question: is very convenient to produce nice interactive plots. The code below generates a line chart colored by country. Now what I need is to add points to the plot. Does anyone know how I can add points to the line chart? …

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