
sklearn to pmml pipeline how to apply postprocessing linear trasnformation

sklearn to pmml pipeline how to apply postprocessing linear trasnformation Question: I’m having a tough time trying to apply a postprocessing step with the sklearn2pmml packages. What I’m trying to do is to apply a linear transformation after applying the predict_proba method within the PMMMLPipeline class in sklearn2pmml package. Any idea about how to do …

Total answers: 2

Calling the sklearn2pmml() function in Python 3.8 throws RuntimeError

Calling the sklearn2pmml() function in Python 3.8 throws RuntimeError Question: I’am trying to save my scikit learn logistic regression as pmml but get a RuntimeError: My code: from sklearn2pmml import sklearn2pmml from sklearn2pmml.pipeline import PMMLPipeline from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression pipe_pmml = PMMLPipeline(steps=[(‘mapper’, mapper), (‘estimator’, LogisticRegression(C = 0.01, penalty = ‘l1’, solver = ‘liblinear’, random_state = …

Total answers: 2

Using a pre-trained ML model in Apache Flink

Using a pre-trained ML model in Apache Flink Question: I am new to Flink and am trying to use a pre-trained classifier in Flink to detect Hate Speech on Twitter. I have an SVM classifier that I trained on Python, but I have no idea how to use it in the Flink code. One of …

Total answers: 3

How to Get feature_importance when using sklearn2pmml

How to Get feature_importance when using sklearn2pmml Question: Now i trained a gbdt model named ‘GB’ in python sklearn. And i want to export this trained model into pmml files. But i meet this problem: 1. if i try to put the trained ‘GB’ model into PMMLpipeline and use sklearn2pmml to export the model. like …

Total answers: 3