
Parallel creation of complex dataframes

Parallel creation of complex dataframes Question: The below code seems to have some issues. The aim would be to append each result of new_df() to some list, e.g. out. import pandas as pd import random import time from multiprocessing import Pool def new_df(rows=10000): # proxy for complex dataframe temp = pd.DataFrame({‘a’: [”.join(chr(random.randint(65,122)) for _ in …

Total answers: 1

How to properly close and unlink shared memory of multiprocessing?

How to properly close and unlink shared memory of multiprocessing? Question: I’m trying to use the multiprocessing module and to add 1 to the shared memory in each process. But, I see the errors when running the following code. Can anyone tell how to close and unlink the shared momery? Here is the code. from …

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urllib3 connectionpool – Connection pool is full, discarding connection

urllib3 connectionpool – Connection pool is full, discarding connection Question: Does seeing the urllib3.connectionpool WARNING – Connection pool is full, discarding connection mean that I am effectively loosing data (because of lost connection) OR Does it mean that connection is dropped (because pool is full); however, the same connection will be re-tried later on when …

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Pool within a Class in Python

Pool within a Class in Python Question: I would like to use Pool within a class, but there seems to be a problem. My code is long, I created a small-demo variant to illustrated the problem. It would be great if you can give me a variant of the code below that works. from multiprocessing …

Total answers: 4

python multiprocess.Pool show results in order in stdout

python multiprocess.Pool show results in order in stdout Question: In multiprocessing.Pool I am trying to show my prints in the the same order. from multiprocessing import Pool import time def func(arg): time.sleep(0.001) print(arg, end=” “) proc_pool = Pool(4) proc_pool.map(func, range(30)) The output is: 0 1 8 9 10 11 14 15 6 7 16 17 …

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Passing multiple parameters to pool.map() function in Python

Passing multiple parameters to pool.map() function in Python Question: I need some way to use a function within pool.map() that accepts more than one parameter. As per my understanding, the target function of pool.map() can only have one iterable as a parameter but is there a way that I can pass other parameters in as …

Total answers: 3

multiprocessing.Pool() slower than just using ordinary functions

multiprocessing.Pool() slower than just using ordinary functions Question: (This question is about how to make multiprocessing.Pool() run code faster. I finally solved it, and the final solution can be found at the bottom of the post.) Original Question: I’m trying to use Python to compare a word with many other words in a list and …

Total answers: 4

How does the callback function work in multiprocessing map_async?

How does the callback function work in multiprocessing map_async? Question: It cost me a whole night to debug my code, and I finally found this tricky problem. Please take a look at the code below. from multiprocessing import Pool def myfunc(x): return [i for i in range(x)] pool=Pool() A=[] r = pool.map_async(myfunc, (1,2), callback=A.extend) r.wait() …

Total answers: 1

Using python multiprocessing Pool in the terminal and in code modules for Django or Flask

Using python multiprocessing Pool in the terminal and in code modules for Django or Flask Question: When using multiprocessing.Pool in python with the following code, there is some bizarre behavior. from multiprocessing import Pool p = Pool(3) def f(x): return x threads = [p.apply_async(f, [i]) for i in range(20)] for t in threads: try: print(t.get(timeout=1)) …

Total answers: 3