
Django – stop logout with javascript pop-up confirm box

Django – stop logout with javascript pop-up confirm box Question: In my django site I have a logout button that redirects to the view logout. When the button is clicked it instantly logs the user out, but I would like a JS pop-up confirm box to appear then the logout button is clicked. When the …

Total answers: 1

QMessage in a function thread?

QMessage in a function thread? Question: I want to do a popup when the function in a thread finish but when it run the popup the program crash. I tried doing a thread in the main function thread but crash the app. I put a large and slow funtion in a thread to not crash …

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pysimplegui popup button_justification problem

pysimplegui popup button_justification problem Question: According to the documentation of PySimpleGUI, the popup element should have an argument called button_justification, which position the button in ‘right’ or ‘left’, or ‘center’ within the popup window. When i added button_justification=’center’ to the popup element in my project it raised the error: popup() got an unexpected keyword argument …

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How to let pyautogui recognize popup windows?

How to let pyautogui recognize popup windows? Question: Apparently, pyautogui does not recognize the "real" screen when using the screenshots features. The following simple code works fine in most cases, but not in all cases. Apparently, some popup windows will not be recognized (e.g. web pages, Javascript(?), or some Windows messages). import pyautogui try: pyautogui.click(‘myButtonSomewhereOnTheScreen.png’) …

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Selenium + Python: Microsoft Edge Alert – no such alert

Selenium + Python: Microsoft Edge Alert – no such alert Question: When running a process on Selenium, I get a pop-up (which appears to be native to the Edge browser). When trying the following: browser.switch_to.alert.accept(), I get the error selenium.common.exceptions.NoAlertPresentException: Message: no such alert I’ve tried waiting some time for the pop up to appear, …

Total answers: 4

I want to create django popup form in my project

I want to create django popup form in my project Question: I have created fee management system in django. The problem is I am using simple form and for each form user have to navigate to separate page. I want to create popup form in django. I have search many websites but can’t get solution …

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Kivy: Multiple items in a popup wont work

Kivy: Multiple items in a popup wont work Question: I am trying to use multiple items in a popup with kivy in python. I would like to find out how to make this work. I am not sure if it has to do with the fact that the script is on my phone and not …

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How to create a system tray popup message with python? (Windows)

How to create a system tray popup message with python? (Windows) Question: I’d like to know how to create a system tray popup message with python. I have seen those in lots of softaware, but yet difficult to find resources to do it easily with any language. Anyone knows some library for doing this in …

Total answers: 7