
Extract target from Tensorflow PrefetchDataset

Extract target from Tensorflow PrefetchDataset Question: I am still learning tensorflow and keras, and I suspect this question has a very easy answer I’m just missing due to lack of familiarity. I have a PrefetchDataset object: > print(tf_test) $ <PrefetchDataset shapes: ((None, 99), (None,)), types: (tf.float32, tf.int64)> …made up of features and a target. I …

Total answers: 7

How to prefetch data using a custom python function in tensorflow

How to prefetch data using a custom python function in tensorflow Question: I am trying to prefetch training data to hide I/O latency. I would like to write custom Python code that loads data from disk and preprocesses the data (e.g. by adding a context window). In other words, one thread does data preprocessing and …

Total answers: 2