
Randomly changing letters in list of string based on probability

Randomly changing letters in list of string based on probability Question: Given the following data = [‘AAACGGGATTn’,’CTGTGTCAGTn’,’AATCTCTACTn’] For every letter in a string not including (n), if its probability is greater than 5 (i.e. there is a 50% chance for a change), I’d like to replace the letter with a randomly selected letter from options …

Total answers: 2

How to Algorithmically Generate a List of Probabilities

How to Algorithmically Generate a List of Probabilities Question: Please forgive my lack of statistical nomenclature. I’ve been given an arbitrary list of values to sample, currently: list_to_sample = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]. At this point, it doesn’t matter what the list contains, but that the length of list is 5. And, I’ve been …

Total answers: 1

Playful cat and keyboard

Playful cat and keyboard Question: Problem: The keyboard on the screen of the mobile application consists of: 26 capital Latin letters, 10 digits 4 navigation keys: up, down, right and left. The application is open on a tablet, on which an unpredictable and consistent cat walks. The unpredictability of the cat is that all its …

Total answers: 1

Trying to predict probability score using test data

Trying to predict probability score using test data Question: I’m currently trying to test features and impacts to probability score on regression model we’ve built. I’m trying to test impacts of age on proba score to see if we need to retrain our model. I’m using parameters from our model as Param_Collection and using test …

Total answers: 1

My unfair coin flipping code is giving conflicting results with theory

My unfair coin flipping code is giving conflicting results with theory Question: I was reading the wikipedia page for the Gambler’s ruin concept, and I decided to quickly code it myself as a quick challenge. Just like the example in the "Unfair coin flipping" part on the right, I created an unfair coin with a …

Total answers: 2

How to see a distribution of outcomes of a while loop?

How to see a distribution of outcomes of a while loop? Question: Imagine you have a while loop that includes a random outcome so that the output of the while loop is different each time. How can you simulate the while loop many times and see the distribution of outcomes? I know how to run …

Total answers: 1