
Plotting surface and curve in 3D and a curve in xy-plane, all in the same plot

Plotting surface and curve in 3D and a curve in xy-plane, all in the same plot Question: To illustrate an optimization problem, I want all of this in the same 3D plot: A surface. A curve in the xy-plane. A curve/path on the surface which marks out the points on the surface that lies directly …

Total answers: 1

Projection of a 3D circle onto a 2D camera image

Projection of a 3D circle onto a 2D camera image Question: Asked this on math.stackexchange, but no responses so trying here, hopefully the computer vision people are more able to help out. Assume that I have a 3D circle with a center at (c1, c2, c3) in the circle coordinate frame C. The radius of …

Total answers: 1

Way to specify viewpoint distance in Matplotlib 3.6.3 3D Plots?

Way to specify viewpoint distance in Matplotlib 3.6.3 3D Plots? Question: I am working on an animation of a 3D plot using mpl_toolkits.mplot3d (Matplotlib 3.6.3) and need to set the view distance. It seems that earlier versions of Matplotlib allowed the elevation, azimuth, and distance of the viewpoint "camera" to be set for 3D plots …

Total answers: 1

Coordinate problems and inverted map

Coordinate problems and inverted map Question: I’m using the salinity data of ORAS5 and the preview variables and information: salinity =xr.open_dataset(‘…’) sal = salinity[‘sosaline’] So, the big problem is each "nav_lon" and "nav_lat" have 2D in x and y. Where in the normal case, for example, the lat data have 1D. sal.nav_lon In the preview …

Total answers: 1