
Acting on information in a custom message on ROS

Acting on information in a custom message on ROS Question: I have done the tutorials which shows you how to publish and subscribe to messages in ROS. I have now set up a message talker and listener in a file, but this is where I am running into some issues. And this may be more …

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FastAPI websocket connection causes cpu spike to 100% inside the docker container

FastAPI websocket connection causes cpu spike to 100% inside the docker container Question: I am developing a private chat for two or more users to communicate with each other. I have an endpoint for the websocket connection where only authenticated users are able to do a handshake between client and the server The problem occurs …

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Defining a wx.Panel destructor in wxpython

Defining a wx.Panel destructor in wxpython Question: How do you define a destructor for a wx.Panel in wxpython? META: After inheriting a code base which uses wxpython and PyPubSub I’ve discovered a huge number of pubsub subscriptions in the __init__ functions of wx.Panel‘s that are never unsubscribed and cause errors later on in the program. …

Total answers: 2

zero mq pub/sub with multipart not working

zero mq pub/sub with multipart not working Question: Here’s my script. #!/usr/bin/env python import traceback import sys import zmq from time import sleep print “Creating the zmq.Context” context = zmq.Context() print “Binding the publisher to the local socket at port 5557” sender = context.socket(zmq.PUB) sender.bind(“tcp://*:5557”) print “Binding the subscriber to the local socket at port …

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Python – How are signals different from pubsub?

Python – How are signals different from pubsub? Question: Django and Flask make use of signals — the latter uses the Blinker library. In the context of Python, Blinker and the Python pubsub library, how do signals and pubsub compare? When would I use one or the other? Asked By: a paid nerd || Source …

Total answers: 2

Recommended Python publish/subscribe/dispatch module?

Recommended Python publish/subscribe/dispatch module? Question: From PyPubSub: Pypubsub provides a simple way for your Python application to decouple its components: parts of your application can publish messages (with or without data) and other parts can subscribe/receive them. This allows message “senders” and message “listeners” to be unaware of each other: one doesn’t need to import …

Total answers: 7