
Why do I get a ChunkedEncodingError in Python when using requests module?

Why do I get a ChunkedEncodingError in Python when using requests module? Question: I try to query this API with these params ?db=mesh&id=68016019 So the whole URL is When executing this in Postman everything’s fine and the output is as expected: 1: Survival Analysis A class of statistical procedures for estimating the survival …

Total answers: 1

Applying language filter to Entrez.esearch and Entrez.efetch

Applying language filter to Entrez.esearch and Entrez.efetch Question: I’m querying PubMed for some results using Biopython. This is a portion of the code: def search(query): = ‘[email protected]’ handle = Entrez.esearch(db = ‘pubmed’, sort = ‘relevance’, retmax = ‘30000’, retmode = ‘xml’, term = query) results = return results I want to the results …

Total answers: 2