
depthImg from getCameraImage() is full of 'nan'

depthImg from getCameraImage() is full of 'nan' Question: This is the code I’m using the generate the image: pos_vec = [.15, .15, .15] up_vec = camera_upvec(pos_vec) viewMat = p.computeViewMatrix( cameraEyePosition=pos_vec, cameraTargetPosition=[0, 0, 0], cameraUpVector=up_vec) projMat = p.computeProjectionMatrixFOV( fov=70.25, aspect=1.0, nearVal=0, farVal=3.1) width, height, rgbImg, depthImg, segImg = p.getCameraImage( width=1280, height=720, viewMatrix=viewMat, projectionMatrix=projMat) print(depthImg) this is …

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