
Discover missing module using command-line ("DLL load failed" error)

Discover missing module using command-line ("DLL load failed" error) Question: On Windows, when we try to import a .pyd file, and a DLL that the .pyd depends on cannot be found, we get this traceback: Traceback (most recent call last): … ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found. When this happens, …

Total answers: 1

Python packaging with does ignore manifest specifications

Python packaging with does ignore manifest specifications Question: I’m currently trying to pack a module that uses precompiled *.pyd files from a swig routine. The process for the user is supposed to be: install base library (C, C++); directories linked in the environment variables; here are also the *.pyd files. get python package; open …

Total answers: 1

Python C extension: Use extension PYD or DLL?

Python C extension: Use extension PYD or DLL? Question: I have a Python extension written in C and I wonder if I should use the file extension DLL or PYD under Windows. (And what would I use in Linux?) Are there any differences (besides the filename)? I found an unofficial article. Is this the secret …

Total answers: 4