
"dot.exe" not found in path. Pydot on Python (Windows 7)

"dot.exe" not found in path. Pydot on Python (Windows 7) Question: I’m having trouble running Python’s pydot on Windows 7. I installed pydot with: conda install -c rmg pydot=1.2.2 I have graphviz installed under ../Program Files (x86)/Graphviz2.38/ When I run the following script I get an error saying “dot.exe” not found in path import pydot …

Total answers: 9

graph.write_pdf("iris.pdf") AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'write_pdf'

graph.write_pdf("iris.pdf") AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'write_pdf' Question: My code is follow the class of machine learning of google.The two code are same.I don’t know why it show error.May be the type of variable is error.But google’s code is same to me.Who has ever had this problem? This is error [0 1 2] [0 …

Total answers: 10

Keras: "RuntimeError: Failed to import pydot." after installing graphviz and pydot

Keras: "RuntimeError: Failed to import pydot." after installing graphviz and pydot Question: I’m using Anaconda Python 2.7 on windows 10 I was planning on doing Keras visualization so (whilst spyder was open) I opened the Anaconda command prompt and pip installed graphviz and pydot. Now when I try run the following: from keras.models import Sequential …

Total answers: 14

Python, PyDot and DecisionTree

Python, PyDot and DecisionTree Question: I’m trying to visualize my DecisionTree, but getting the error The code is: X = [i[1:] for i in dataset]#attribute y = [i[0] for i in dataset] clf = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier() dot_data = StringIO() tree.export_graphviz(, train_y), out_file=dot_data) graph = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(dot_data.getvalue()) graph.write_pdf(“tree.pdf”) And the error is Traceback (most recent call last): if …

Total answers: 3

Graphviz's executables are not found (Python 3.4)

Graphviz's executables are not found (Python 3.4) Question: I am running Python3.4 on Windows 7. I am trying to use the Python interface for graphviz. This is a script I intend to run: from graphviz import Digraph import pydotplus dot = Digraph(comment=’The Round Table’) dot.node(‘A’, ‘King Arthur’) dot.node(‘B’, ‘Sir Bedevere the Wise’) dot.node(‘L’, ‘Sir Lancelot …

Total answers: 31

pydot and graphviz error: Couldn't import dot_parser, loading of dot files will not be possible

pydot and graphviz error: Couldn't import dot_parser, loading of dot files will not be possible Question: When I run a very simple code with pydot import pydot graph = pydot.Dot(graph_type=’graph’) for i in range(3): edge = pydot.Edge(“king”, “lord%d” % i) graph.add_edge(edge) vassal_num = 0 for i in range(3): for j in range(2): edge = pydot.Edge(“lord%d” …

Total answers: 14

Display graph without saving using pydot

Display graph without saving using pydot Question: I am trying to display a simple graph using pydot. My question is that is there any way to display the graph without writing it to a file as currently I use write function to first draw and then have to use the Image module to show the …

Total answers: 7