
code running fine on computer and on pydroid 3 it doesnt

code running fine on computer and on pydroid 3 it doesnt Question: so i have made a script that when my phone connects to my wifi network it automatically turn on my computer and i downloaded pydroid on another phone to run it non stop and it outputs : ping [-aAbBdDfhLnOqrRUvV] [-c count] [-i interval] …

Total answers: 1

How can I write 2 input to python subprocess

How can I write 2 input to python subprocess Question: I am trying to use subprocess library. The file that I am trying to run with subprocess: a = input() print(a) Here is what I tried: import subprocess p = subprocess.Popen([‘python’, ‘’], encoding="Utf8") p.communicate(input="11") It worked very well. Then I tried to use multiple inputs: …

Total answers: 1

OpenCV-python not importing

OpenCV-python not importing Question: I am using Pydroid to code in android. Though it is an ARM machine so I downloaded OpenCV-python wheel from PiWheels and successfully installed it using pip. But i can’t import OpenCV anyways. Please help. Here is what I tried: /storage/emulated/0 $ pip list Package Version ——————- ———– android 1.0 appdirs …

Total answers: 2

Matplotlib with Pydroid 3 on Android: how to see graph?

Matplotlib with Pydroid 3 on Android: how to see graph? Question: I’m currently using an Android device (of Samsung), Pydroid 3. I tried to see any graphs, but it doesn’t works. When I run the code, it just shows me a black-blank screen temporarily and then goes back to the source code editing window. (means …

Total answers: 8