
Conda env vs venv / pyenv / virtualenv / etc

Conda env vs venv / pyenv / virtualenv / etc Question: To add a question to the great question and discussion here on pyenv, venv, virtualenv, and virtualenvwrapper, could someone please explain how conda environments fit into this world? When are the preferred use cases for conda environments vs the other virtual environment options? Asked …

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PATH="/custom/dir:$PATH" prepending instead of appending – Conda vs Pyenv

PATH="/custom/dir:$PATH" prepending instead of appending – Conda vs Pyenv Question: I have a Mac (latest software update) with Pyenv and Anaconda. I manage packages with Homebrew and have installed Python 3 with it. When I echo $PATH I get the following: /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/bin: /usr/local/bin: /usr/bin: /bin: /usr/local/sbin: /usr/sbin: /sbin: /Library/TeX/texbin: /Users/luca/.pyenv/versions/anaconda3-2020.02/condabin: /Users/luca/.pyenv/versions/3.8.5/bin: /Users/luca/.pyenv/bin I do not …

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pyenv global interpreter not working on windows10

pyenv global interpreter not working on windows10 Question: I have just installed pyenv following the installation guide pyenv-win, things goes smoothly, but i could not make the pyenv global python as the global interpreter I have rehashed after installation using pyenv rehash PS D:> pyenv versions 3.5.1 3.6.2 3.7.7 * 3.8.2 (set by C:Usersxxx.pyenvpyenv-winversion) results …

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Pyenv's python is missing bzip2 module

Pyenv's python is missing bzip2 module Question: I used pyenv to install python 3.8.2 and to create a virtualenv. In the virtualenv, I used pipenv to install pandas. However, when importing pandas, I’m getting the following: […] File “/home/luislhl/.pyenv/versions/poc-prefect/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/io/”, line 3, in <module> import bz2 File “/home/luislhl/.pyenv/versions/3.8.2/lib/python3.8/”, line 19, in <module> from _bz2 import BZ2Compressor, …

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Poetry doesn't use the correct version of Python

Poetry doesn't use the correct version of Python Question: I’ve recently installed both Pyenv and Poetry and want to create a new Python 3.8 project. I’ve set both the global and local versions of python to 3.8.1 using the appropriate Pyenv commands (pyenv global 3.8.1 for example). When I run pyenv version in my terminal …

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pyenv appends .zshrc file with spam at every `source`

pyenv appends .zshrc file with spam at every `source` Question: I am trying to setup python 3.7.3 to be my default python. I am following this guide undre the chapter What we should do at the bottom of the page. It works fine besides it appends my .zshrc file with: echo -e ‘if command …

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How can I install Anaconda aside an existing pyenv installation on OSX?

How can I install Anaconda aside an existing pyenv installation on OSX? Question: Sincerest apologies if this is easily found elsewhere, but although I found a number of posts with pyenv and Anaconda explanations, none addressed this issue specifically. However, I am often an idiot. On Mac OSX (Mojave 10.14.6) I installed pyenv via Homebrew …

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Keeping the same, shared virtualenvs when switching from pyenv-virtualenv to pipenv

Keeping the same, shared virtualenvs when switching from pyenv-virtualenv to pipenv Question: I started looking at pipenv and it seems to be pretty good. My only concern is, that most of my projects involve numpy, scipy and some other not-so-small libraries. The current way manage my projects: I have pyenv and pyenv-virtualenv installed. I have …

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Should we gitignore the .python-version file?

Should we gitignore the .python-version file? Question: I have a .python-version file, and when I create a Python repo with github and specify that it should have a .gitignore, it adds the .python-version file to it. It seems to me that that file should NOT be ignored since other people running the code on different …

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pyenv: python :command not found

pyenv: python :command not found Question: I want to use Python3 with pyenv. $ pyenv root /Users/asari/.pyenv $ pyenv versions system 2.7.15 3.6.2 3.6.3 3.6.4 * 3.6.6 (set by /Users/asari/workspace/hoge/.python-version) $ python -V pyenv: python: command not found The `python’ command exists in these Python versions: 2.7.15 but, python command not found. I read it …

Total answers: 13