
Why does pylint raises this error: Parsing failed: 'cannot assign to expression here. Maybe you meant '==' instead of '='?

Why does pylint raises this error: Parsing failed: 'cannot assign to expression here. Maybe you meant '==' instead of '='? Question: While solving some exercises from the "Impractical Python Projects" book I’ve encountered this error: myconfig.pylintrc:6:1: E0001: Parsing failed: ‘cannot assign to expression here. Maybe you meant ‘==’ instead of ‘=’? (<unknown>, line 6)’ (syntax-error) …

Total answers: 1

How to add custom pylint warning?

How to add custom pylint warning? Question: I want to add a warning message to my pylint for all print statements reminding myself I have them in case I print sensitive information. Is this possible? I can only find answers about disabling pylint errors, not enabling new ones. Asked By: bnykpp || Source Answers: I …

Total answers: 3

Linting error on BitBucket: TypeError: 'LinterStats' object is not subscriptable

Linting error on BitBucket: TypeError: 'LinterStats' object is not subscriptable Question: I am using BitBucket pipelines to perform linting checks with pylint. It was working fine a few hours ago. I have been facing the following error even though the final score is well past the minimum criteria (8.0): Your code has been rated at …

Total answers: 3