
(Pymongo) connect/adding relationship with two column from different collections in MongoDB

(Pymongo) connect/adding relationship with two column from different collections in MongoDB Question: I’m practicing use python to commit rollback MongoDB (Pymongo) For example, I have two collections, one collection store all amount of money of each user and log collection is saving data of with roll or input money in bank total_money_collection {"user": "Joy" , …

Total answers: 1

How to escape @ in a password in pymongo connection?

How to escape @ in a password in pymongo connection? Question: My question is a specification of how can i validate username password for mongodb authentication through pymongo?. I’m trying to connect to a MongoDB instance using PyMongo 3.2.2 and a URL that contains the user and password, as explained in MongoDB Docs. The difference …

Total answers: 5

Why is PyMongo 3 giving ServerSelectionTimeoutError?

Why is PyMongo 3 giving ServerSelectionTimeoutError? Question: I’m using: Python 3.4.2 PyMongo 3.0.2 mongolab running mongod 2.6.9 uWSGI 2.0.10 CherryPy 3.7.0 nginx 1.6.2 uWSGI start params: –socket –daemonize –enable-threads –threads 2 –processes 2 I setup my MongoClient ONE time: self.mongo_client = MongoClient(‘mongodb://user:[email protected]:port/mydb’) self.db = self.mongo_client[‘mydb’] I try and save a JSON dict to MongoDB: …

Total answers: 29