
The difference between opencv-python and opencv-contrib-python

The difference between opencv-python and opencv-contrib-python Question: I was looking at the Python Package Index (PyPi) and noticed 2 very similar packages: opencv-contrib-python and opencv-python and wondering what the difference was. I looked at them and they had the exact same description and version numbers. Asked By: Awesome Bill || Source Answers: As per PyPi …

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Preventing namespace collisions between private and pypi-based Python packages

Preventing namespace collisions between private and pypi-based Python packages Question: We have 100+ private packages and so far we’ve been using s3pypi to set up a private pypi in an s3 bucket. Our private packages have dependencies on each other (and on public packages), and it is (of course) important that our GitLab pipelines find …

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What's the recommended way of renaming a project in pypi?

What's the recommended way of renaming a project in pypi? Question: I want people that know of the old name to be directed to the new name. For the pypi website, it’s easy to upload a package with a README linking to the new package. I’m not sure what’s the best way to handle people …

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Publishing package to PyPi from Azure Devops hangs at twine upload

Publishing package to PyPi from Azure Devops hangs at twine upload Question: I want to publish a built .whl package to from our Azure Devops release pipeline, but the script twine upload keeps hanging without error, completion or time out. So the actual upload of our package (which is extremely small) does not work. …

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Checking setuptools install_requires on testpypi

Checking setuptools install_requires on testpypi Question: I am trying test a python package I want to release using test test.pypi. In the file I have install_requires=[‘numpy>=1.15′,’scipy>=0.0′,’scikit-learn>=0.2′,’numba>=0.0’], Scipy and Numpy get downloaded and install as expected. I get the following error: ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement numba>=0.0 As a note, …

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How to setup pip to download from mirror repository by default?

How to setup pip to download from mirror repository by default? Question: I am forced to download python packages from local mirror PyPi repository. I do this by using the -i and –trusted-host options. Whole installation command looks like this: pip install -i –trusted-host package_name Having to type in that options each time …

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How to build a source distribution without using file?

How to build a source distribution without using file? Question: With the following package structure . ├── my_package │ └── ├── setup.cfg └── Contents of from setuptools import setup setup() Contents of setup.cfg [metadata] name = my_package version = 0.1 [options] packages = find: I can build wheel or a source …

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Automating Python package release process

Automating Python package release process Question: I’ve just started an open source Python project that I hope might be popular one day. At the moment to release a new version I have to do a few things. Test all the things. Edit mypackage.VERSION variable, which imports from __init__ Build packages and wheels with python …

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what does pip install actually do?

What does pip install actually do when handling a .tar.gz package? Question: What does pip install actually do assuming the pypi package is a tarball. Does it just download the tar.gz, unpack it and run Does it add the downloaded package to the site_packages folder? I want to create a pip installable package using …

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Publishing modules to pip and PyPi

Publishing modules to pip and PyPi Question: I have created a module using python. I want to publish it to pip and PyPi so that others can download and use it easily. How do I do it? Asked By: Roshan || Source Answers: This is well documented in Packaging Python Projects. Creating Create a …

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