
"Import could not be resolved" reported by Pyright

"Import could not be resolved" reported by Pyright Question: I’ve just started using Pyright. Running it on files that run perfectly well I get plenty of errors. This question is similar, but refers to one’s own modules. For example Import “numpy” could not be resolved. What does it mean, and how do I resolve it? …

Total answers: 7

Is it possible to ignore pyright checking for one line?

Is it possible to ignore pyright checking for one line? Question: I need to ignore pyright checking for one line. Is there any special comment for it? def create_slog(group: SLogGroup, data: Optional[dict] = None): SLog.insert_one(SLog(group=group, data=data)) # pyright: disable # pyright: disable — doesn’t work Asked By: Max Block || Source Answers: Yes it is …

Total answers: 2