
Clickable hypertext within PySimpleGUI table created from list

Clickable hypertext within PySimpleGUI table created from list Question: I have a PySimpleGUI table updating from a list. In that list, the first item is a website link. How can I make PySimpleGUI recognise them as clickable links within it’s table? I have the following code which creates the table from a list that is …

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PySimpleGUI button event not working in Python code – why?

PySimpleGUI button event not working in Python code – why? Question: Why the button event is not avalible with pysimplegui? This is my Code. import os import threading import PySimpleGUI as gui from rsa_controller import decryptwithPrivatekey, loadPublicKey, loadPrivateKey id = 0 target_id = 0 prikey = None def popout(title): gui.popup(title) def read_keys(): print("Opening key files: …

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Change name of sg.Print window in PySimpleGUI

Change name of sg.Print window in PySimpleGUI Question: At the beginning of my python code I have print = sg.Print . So whenever print is used, it prints to a Window called Debug Window. According to documentation, I can close the window with sg.PrintClose() and that works, but I can’t change or set the name …

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Using non-multithreaded PySimpleGUI window before multithreading

Using non-multithreaded PySimpleGUI window before multithreading Question: This question could also be rephrased as: Asking if a PySimpleGUI application should enable multithreading, by using a PySimpleGUI window. This illustrates the dilema I currently have. I have two versions of the application: Regular, that does things step by step. Threaded, that processes several dataframe lines further …

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How to make the label text bold in PySimpleGUI?

How to make the label text bold in PySimpleGUI? Question: for example label = sg.Text("Hello World", font="Helvetica") How to make this text Bold ? Also, is there any source that all of the supporting fonts by PySimpleGUI are mentioned? Asked By: Hardliner || Source Answers: The font parameter can be used to specify a bold …

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How to divide data into three lines?

How to divide data into three lines? Question: I’m making a database for my cadet corps, because our officers’ organisation is a MESS and I want to organise things and I’m making a menu with buttons labeled after each master cadets. To make it aesthetically pleasing, I wanted to split it into three lines, but …

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How to fix TypeError: cannot unpack non-iterable Button object

How to fix TypeError: cannot unpack non-iterable Button object Question: I was writing my PySimpleGUI program and it (Still) does not load This is the error it gives me: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 89, in <module> event = ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "", line 10075, in read results = self._read(timeout=timeout, timeout_key=timeout_key) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ …

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Mouse coordinates on Python with PySimpleGUI

Mouse coordinates on Python with PySimpleGUI Question: I’m trying to get the mouse coordinates, with pynput, and see it with a GUI with PySimpleGUI but I am getting a lot of problens, and I don’t know how can I do this. I want to show the mouse coordinates at the "x – y" string below …

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Python – PySimpleGUI – OracleDB – Input text passed into Oracle statement

Python – PySimpleGUI – OracleDB – Input text passed into Oracle statement Question: I’ve made a simple Python app where I want two text fields ‘ID’ and ‘TEXT’ to be passed into the Oracle insert statement. The app opens correctly and the functions appear to work however the inputtext from those fields are not being …

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how to manage scrollbar with not visible items in PySimpleGUI

how to manage scrollbar with not visible items in PySimpleGUI Question: i have developed a PySimpleGUI application and i must show a list of items depending from the number of rows readed from a file. I know that is not possible to create components dinamically in PySimpleGUI, so i’ve defined a max number of components …

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