
how do i fix the notation of my chess board?

how do i fix the notation of my chess board? Question: I’m making a chess game with python 3.10.7 in pycharm and using pygame 2.1.3. This is some of my code in my main() function. I’m trying to get the position of the pieces the user clicks on and it works, but the number position …

Total answers: 1

A buffer which shows in pygame does not display in tkinter

A buffer which shows in pygame does not display in tkinter Question: The code below illustrates a buffer which displays with pygame.image.frombuffer but not with tkinter PhotoImage import chess, chess.svg, pylunasvg as pl from tkinter import Tk, PhotoImage # This is where I create the buffer board = chess.Board(chess.STARTING_FEN) svg_text = chess.svg.board(board, size=400) document = …

Total answers: 1

Top 5 moves using chess.engine.SimpleEngine

Top 5 moves using chess.engine.SimpleEngine Question: I’m having trouble with the engine encapsulation of python-chess, I would like to use the Stockfish function top = stockfish.get_top_moves(5) but it seems like there is no way to do it using chess.engine.simpleEngine, do you have any advices? I already tried getting all the result and then keeping just …

Total answers: 1