
Why this asyncio code doesn't run concurrent?

Why this asyncio code doesn't run concurrent? Question: Hello I am trying to write a script to process pdf files with asyncio concurrent in order to do this I have the following code: import click import asyncio from pdf2image import convert_from_path from functools import wraps def coro(f): @wraps(f) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): return*args, **kwargs)) return …

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How to Add Another Name Option for Python click.version_option?

How to Add Another Name Option for Python click.version_option? Question: My question is exactly the same as in How to add option name to the Version option in Click I have the code, and I am able to print out the version of my library using the command "py –version" See: @click.version_option(version=version) def …

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How to create a Gunicorn custom application with Click commands?

How to create a Gunicorn custom application with Click commands? Question: I am trying to build a custom application using gunicorn server with flask framework utilizing click commands. I used the class App to create an application that has the command say_hello which outputs Hello to the terminal: import click from flask import Flask from …

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a pythonic way of getting the range of a list that defined in the parameter?

a pythonic way of getting the range of a list that defined in the parameter? Question: I forced start index equant to the end index to get the whole list, but it’s not flexible enough and I wonder if there is a more intuitive/pythonic or better way of defining such function? @click.command() @click.option("-r", "–range", nargs=2, …

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'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group' building a package with click

'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group' building a package with click Question: Hello I am trying to building a python package I have the following folder structure . ├── Dockerfile ├── ├── Pipfile ├── Pipfile.lock ├── └── vms-backup ├── commands │ ├── │ ├── │ ├── │ └── └── …

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How to define common python-click options for multiple commands?

How to define common python-click options for multiple commands? Question: In python 3.8 I want to define some click options that are common to multiple commands. I tried the following piece of code: import click @click.option( "-v", "–verbose", count=True, default=0, help="-v for DEBUG", ) @click.option( "–path", help="Main Path.", ) def cli(): pass @click.command("list") @click.option( …

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Using Python Click within a class

Using Python Click within a class Question: I’ve got an old flashcards app that I made that I’ve repurposed for some aws cert study. I wrote this years ago and overhauled that code, and one of those changes involved using click over argparse, but I’m having some issues using click. My code is below (minus …

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How to implement –version using python click?

How to implement –version using python click? Question: I want to implement mycommand –version using python click. I have something like this working but it feels kinda clunky., no_args_is_help=True) @click.pass_context @click.option(‘–version’, ‘version’) def cli(ctx, version): if version: ctx.echo(f'{sys.argv[0]} {__version__}’) ctx.exit() Asked By: wonton || Source Answers: As it turns out, click has a builtin …

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Automatically generate all help documentation for Click commands

Automatically generate all help documentation for Click commands Question: Is there a way to generate (and export) help documentation using click for all commands and subcommands? For example, cli –help all –destination help-docs.txt would generate help for commands and subcommands following the cli command subcommand format and put them into the help-docs.txt file. The only …

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