
list of tuples to single list

list of tuples to single list Question: I have list of tuples in the following format, [(‘ABC’, [‘32064’, [‘WOO’, ‘MISSI’]]), (‘XYZ’, [‘32065’, [‘HAY’]])] I need to convert them into following format, [[‘ABC’,’32064′,’Woo’], [‘ABC’,’32064′,’MISSI’], [‘XYZ’,’32065′,’HAY’]] I have tried the following code list1=[[(‘ABC’, [‘32064’, [‘WOO’, ‘MISSI’]]), (‘XYZ’, [‘32065’, [‘HAY’]])]] list2 = [item for sublist in list1 for …

Total answers: 1

Combinations with Replacement and maximal Occurrence Constraint

Combinations with Replacement and maximal Occurrence Constraint Question: from itertools import * import collections for i in combinations_with_replacement([‘0′,’1′,’2′,’3′,’4′,’5′,’6′,’7′,’8′,’9′,’a’,’b’,’c’,’d’,’e’,’f’],15): b = (”.join(i)) freq = collections.Counter(b) for k in freq: if freq [k] < 5: print(k) this code most print chars what count if less than 5 what i try do , cheek if at string from …

Total answers: 2

How to access elements in a dict_values?

How to access elements in a dict_values? Question: I have a dict : {49: {‘created_at’: ‘2018-11-07T13:25:12.000Z’, ‘url’: ‘’}} I would like to get ‘created_at’. I’ve attempt through different methods but without a success… I thought this approach would works: result = di.values()[0] but I get a TypeError: ‘dict_values’ object does not support indexing But it …

Total answers: 2

How to initialize defaultdict with keys?

How to initialize defaultdict with keys? Question: I have a dictionary of lists, and it should be initialized with default keys. I guess, the code below is not good (I mean, it works, but I don’t feel that it is written in the pythonic way): d = {‘a’ : [], ‘b’ : [], ‘c’ : …

Total answers: 6

Python collections.Counter: most_common complexity

Python collections.Counter: most_common complexity Question: What is the complexity of the function most_common provided by the collections.Counter object in Python? More specifically, is Counter keeping some kind of sorted list while it’s counting, allowing it to perform the most_common operation faster than O(n) when n is the number of (unique) items added to the counter? …

Total answers: 2