
Run a python script with supervisor

Run a python script with supervisor Question: I copied from here to run my Python code as a daemon. For extra uptime. I thought it would be a better Idea to use supervisor to keep this daemon running. I did this. python_deamon.conf [program:python_deamon] directory=/usr/local/python_deamon/ command=/usr/local/python_venv/bin/python start stderr_logfile=/var/log/gunicorn.log stdout_logfile=/var/log/gunicorn.log autostart=true autorestart=true The problem is that …

Total answers: 5

Daemon vs Upstart for python script

Daemon vs Upstart for python script Question: I have written a module in Python and want it to run continuously once started and need to stop it when I need to update other modules. I will likely be using monit to restart it, if module has crashed or is otherwise not running. I was going …

Total answers: 3