
Logging everything to file and only DEBUG messages to console in python

Logging everything to file and only DEBUG messages to console in python Question: I want logger to log everything to file but only debug messages to console. This answer suggests creating custom handler. I tried following: import logging import sys class DebugConsoleHandler(logging.StreamHandler): def __init__(self): super().__init__(stream = sys.stdout) def emit(self, record): if not record.levelno == logging.DEBUG: …

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How to implement same customized log through differents files via logging module

How to implement same customized log through differents files via logging module Question: I believe from other questions I have read that logging has a singleton pattern but I did not succeed to implement it right. I have a file like this : import logging import os from concurrent_log_handler import ConcurrentRotatingFileHandler def create_file_handler(path, filename=None): …

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Create a generic logger for function start and finish time in Python

Create a generic logger for function start and finish time in Python Question: I want to create a logger decorator that will print before and after a function, in addition I want to add some information that if avaiable will appear in each line, for example most of our current logs look like: START: reading_data …

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How to create new log file for every user by logging Django

How to create new log file for every user by logging Django Question: I have logger for every user if he`s log in and log out How am i suppose to say logger create every time new file for each user with his nickname. I dont need all info about all users in one log …

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Using Logging correctly in python

Using Logging correctly in python Question: My code looks like this. It is for image reshuffling in a couple of folders. Please assume that I have made all the required imports correctly. logging.basicConfig(filename = ‘make_folders.log’, filemode= ‘w’, level=logging.INFO, format=’%(asctime)::%(message)s’) def get_path_list(directory: str) -> list: """ Get a list of absolute paths of all the files …

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Python logging output doesn't show unless I call another logger first

Python logging output doesn't show unless I call another logger first Question: I have some behaviour I can’t explain wrt the Python logging library, and none of the docs nor tutorials I’ve read match with what I’m seeing (well they probably do, I guess I’m just missing some crucial detail somewhere). Consider first what does …

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Can we get the signature or arguments of a celery task on `task_prerun`

Can we get the signature or arguments of a celery task on `task_prerun` Question: My plan is to log all celery task requests with the arguments they receive s I’m using the following @task_prerun.connect() def log_celery_args(task, **kwargs):"{} {kwargs[‘kwargs’]}", extra=kwargs[‘kwargs’]) The problem is this solution doesn’t work when the functions don’t use named parameters. I …

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How to show the line number from the file invoking the logger, not the logger file itself?

How to show the line number from the file invoking the logger, not the logger file itself? Question: I have a custom logging class, which has the following format: log_format = "%(asctime)s.%(msecs)d %(levelname)-8s [%(processName)s] [%(threadName)s] %(filename)s:%(lineno)d — %(message)s" My project tree looks something like this: . ├── ├── ├── └── In …

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zip log files after it reach 10 backup count python

zip log files after it reach 10 backup count python Question: I am trying to zip logs once it reaches 10 backup counts in logging handler. Each log file am checking file size and am creating new file. Now if 10 files are getting created, for next file it should zip all logs and delete …

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python logging in AWS Fargate, datetime duplicated

python logging in AWS Fargate, datetime duplicated Question: I’m trying to use python logging module in AWS Fargate. The same application should work also locally, so I’d like to use a custom logger for local use but to keep intact cloudwatch logs. This is what I’m doing: if logging.getLogger().hasHandlers(): log = logging.getLogger() log.setLevel(logging.INFO) else: from …

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