
MATLAB Engine API for Python. Error: MATLAB Engine for Python supports Python version

MATLAB Engine API for Python. Error: MATLAB Engine for Python supports Python version Question: I’m working on my Master’s Thesis. My director uses MATLAB, I use Python. So I need to run his MATLAB scripts on Python. There are many questions out there on this topic. I tried to install Install MATLAB Engine API for …

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pip installing environment.yml as if it's a requirements.txt

pip installing environment.yml as if it's a requirements.txt Question: I have an environment.yml file, but don’t want to use Conda: name: foo channels: – defaults dependencies: – matplotlib=2.2.2 Is it possible to have pip install the dependencies inside an environment.yml file as if it’s a requirements.txt file? I tried pip install -r environment.yml and it …

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pip-compile for's install_requires instead of requirements.txt

pip-compile for's install_requires instead of requirements.txt Question: pip-compile enables traceability in pinning requirements inside a requirements.txt with an external I really like this My question is, can we somehow do the same, but for an install_requires list inside In other words, if I don’t have a requirements.txt but instead just a, …

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How to get `setup.cfg` metadata at the command line (Python)

How to get `setup.cfg` metadata at the command line (Python) Question: When you have a file, you can get the name of the package via the command: C:somedir>python –name And this would print the name of the package to the command line. In an attempt to adhere to best practice, I’m trying to …

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Issue with find in setup.cfg | modules are not seen in path

Issue with find in setup.cfg | modules are not seen in path Question: I’ve been trying to properly package my python codes, upload it on git, and install in on an virtual environment all of which I did and seem to work just fine. The issue is that once I pip install my code on …

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Django: a canconical method for a package to offer new template tags?

Django: a canconical method for a package to offer new template tags? Question: I’m building a package of Django extensions and one thing I’d like to include in it now are template tags (and filters). The question is, how does a package provide template tags to a Django project? The context is of an installed …

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Python3 (pip): find which package provides a particular module

Python3 (pip): find which package provides a particular module Question: Without getting confused, there are tons of questions about installing packages, how to import the resulting modules, and listing what packages are available. But there doesn’t seem to be the equivalent of a "–what-provides" option for pip, if you don’t have a requirements.txt or pipenv. …

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Twine is defaulting "long_description_content_type" to text/x-rst

Twine is defaulting "long_description_content_type" to text/x-rst Question: Heres is my setup setup( name="`…", version="…", description=…, long_description_content_type="text/markdown", long_description=README, author="…", classifiers=[…], packages=["…"], include_package_data=True, ) I used the following command to package my project python sdist bdist_wheel but when I run twine check dist/* I get the following error Checking distFutshane_TBG-1.0.0-py3-none-any.whl: FAILED `long_description` has syntax errors in …

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How to use console_script with native namespace packages

How to use console_script with native namespace packages Question: I’m unable to define console_scripts for my Python package that utilizes the Python namespace packages structure. I am following the Python namespace packages outlined in the Python packaging document. Specifically, I am using native namespace packaging in Python 3.8.2. I have created my project like …

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How to build a source distribution without using file?

How to build a source distribution without using file? Question: With the following package structure . ├── my_package │ └── ├── setup.cfg └── Contents of from setuptools import setup setup() Contents of setup.cfg [metadata] name = my_package version = 0.1 [options] packages = find: I can build wheel or a source …

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