
Change the title in index.rst generated by Sphinx AutoAPI

Change the title in index.rst generated by Sphinx AutoAPI Question: I am looking for a way to rename the title in index.rst. AutoAPI generates a documentation of modules inside a directory ..docssource_autoapi with index.rst file as follows: API Reference ============= This page contains auto-generated API reference documentation [#f1]_. .. toctree:: :titlesonly: /_autoapi/moduleA/index /_autoapi/moduleB/index .. [#f1] …

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sphinx gettext does not match textdomains in subdirectories when gettext_compact=False

sphinx gettext does not match textdomains in subdirectories when gettext_compact=False Question: I’m currently working on a complex documentation project with python sphinx. My next step is to enable internationalization. Project overview (simplified): doc build # contains sphinx build output images # contains image resources locales # gnu gettext structure (simplified) enLC_MESSAGESindex.po+mo enLC_MESSAGESarticlesconnect.po+mo deLC_MESSAGESindex.po+mo deLC_MESSAGESarticlesconnect.po+mo source …

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How to Install system (Windows 10) fonts for use with rinohtype/sphinx?

How to Install system (Windows 10) fonts for use with rinohtype/sphinx? Question: First I’m very much a beginner with Python/Sphinx/rinohtype. I’m trying to figure out how to install fonts for use with rinohtype/Sphinx, rinohtype installs some fonts but I’m looking to use the fonts installed on my Windows 10 system, like Arial, I’ve trawled through …

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Unzip artifacts after upload (store_artifacts)

Unzip artifacts after upload (store_artifacts) Question: We use Sphinx to build our Python documentation and then store the artifact. GitHub then shows directly a link in the CI to open the index.html. But when building Sphinx doc, thousands of files are created which slows down the upload of the artifact. To reduce upload time, from …

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Jupyter Book build fails after default create

Jupyter Book build fails after default create Question: I’m still learning how this all works, so please bear with me. I’m running conda 4.8.5 on my Windows 10 machine. I’ve already installed all necessary Jupyter extensions, I think (Jupyter Lab, Jupyter Notebook, Jupyter Book, Node.js, and their dependencies). The problem might have to do with …

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autodoc duplicates class' methods

autodoc duplicates class' methods Question: The automatically generated documentation duplicates the Methods for the Test class, as shown below. Why is this duplication occurring and how can it be stopped? I have tried several variations within the module, but it has been to no avail. After the documentation image, there is a redacted version …

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Python Sphinx WARNING: Definition list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent

Python Sphinx WARNING: Definition list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent Question: My doc is like this: def segments(self, start_time=1, end_time=9223372036854775806, offset=0, size=20): “””Get segments of the model :parameter offset: – optional int size: – optional int start_time: – optional string,Segments end_time: – optional string,Segments :return: Segments Object “”” When I make html, it …

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How can I use automodule or autoclass for Sphinx in a markdown file?

How can I use automodule or autoclass for Sphinx in a markdown file? Question: I understand the Sphinx supports markdown or .md files optionally, which works great for me for my supplimental documentation. What I am trying to do is use the autoclass or automodule tags in a markdown file. Normally, in a .rst file, …

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Use Sphinx doctest with :Example:

Use Sphinx doctest with :Example: Question: Consider the following function: # in def myfunc(num,mystring): “”” replicates a string :param num: a positive integer :param mystring: a string :return: string concatenated with itself num times :Example: >>> num = 3 >>> mystring = “lol” >>> myfunc(num, mystring) “lollollol” “”” return num*mystring How can I make …

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how to make 2 columns with sphinx

how to make 2 columns with sphinx Question: I want to make multiple columns on my documentation. Globally, i would like to do something similar as this homepage, where there is 3 columns : one with current release, one with news & updates, and Basics. When i search on google about multiple columns in Sphinx, …

Total answers: 5