
How to use tessedit_write_images with pytesseract?

How to use tessedit_write_images with pytesseract? Question: I’m using pytesseract 0.3.10 with tesseract 5.3.0. I want to take a look at how tesseract processed my images. I tried setting tessedit_write_images to true via: import pytesseract as pt pt.image_to_string(crop_img, lang=’eng+deu+fra+spa’, config="–psm 6 -c tessedit_write_images=1") But this is not working. The tessinput.tif file is nowhere to be …

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How to get rows between two rows with specific text?

How to get rows between two rows with specific text? Question: I have this dataframe, I extracted this through and image using PyTesseract. But it extracted all the irrelevant data like signatures and stamps. I only want data from ‘ASSETS’ row to ‘Total Liablities’ Row. I tried bs = bs[(bs[‘Purticulars’] == ‘ASSETS’) & (df[‘Purticulars’] == …

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Opencv Error while sending png images through pytesseract

Opencv Error while sending png images through pytesseract Question: I am using pytesseract for ocr and it works fine for jpg,jpeg and some png files but crashes on selected png files which are mobile screenshots Here is my code: img = cv2.imread(‘test.png’,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) custom_config = r’–oem 3 –psm 6′ data=pytesseract.image_to_string(img, config=custom_config) print(data) The error generated is: …

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Extract text from captcha image with python

Extract text from captcha image with python Question: Hello i am trying to learn python Currently i want to extract text from images like captcha. But i tried ocr-pytesseract and 1 more which i dont remember name. When i try to extract text from image 1 it works fine but when i want to extract …

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KeyError: 'PNG' while using pytesseract.image_to_data

KeyError: 'PNG' while using pytesseract.image_to_data Question: I tried to put boxes in an image file around the texts in it, using pytesseract function image_to_data, but encounters the following error on colab: KeyError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-10-a92a28892aac> in <module>() 6 img = cv2.imread("a.jpg") 7 —-> 8 d = pytesseract.image_to_data(img, output_type=Output.DICT) 9 print(d.keys()) 5 frames …

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Splitting multicolumn image for OCR

Splitting multicolumn image for OCR Question: I’m trying to crop both columns from several pages like this in order to later OCR, looking at splitting the page along the vertical line What I’ve got so far is finding the header, so that it can be cropped out: image = cv2.imread(‘014-page1.jpg’) im_h, im_w, im_d = image.shape …

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Complete missing lines in table opencv

Complete missing lines in table opencv Question: I am trying to detect cells in bill image: I have this image Removed the stamp with this code: import cv2 import numpy as np # read image img = cv2.imread(‘dummy1.PNG’) # threshold on yellow lower = (0, 200, 200) upper = (100, 255, 255) thresh = cv2.inRange(img, …

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How to remove noise around numbers using OpenCV

How to remove noise around numbers using OpenCV Question: I’m trying to use Tesseract-OCR to get the readings on below images but having issues getting consistent results with the spotted background. I have below configuration on my pytesseract CONFIG = f"—psm 6 -c tessedit_char_whitelist=01234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZÅÄabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzåäö.,-" I have also tried below image pre-processing with some good results, …

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Having a hard time reading a text from png file using python

Having a hard time reading a text from png file using python Question: I’m having a hard time extracting the text CHUBB from this image above. I tried several image preprocessing techniques and pytesseract to extract them without success. My Output: x0c Expected output: ‘CHUBB’ Any help would be appreciated My attempt: import pytesseract img …

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