
Why the command listener.listen from lib pyttsx3 printing this extra text?

Why the command listener.listen from lib pyttsx3 printing this extra text? Question: basicly trying to follow the steps of a vid, everything is working great exapt that those lines of code: with sr.Microphone() as source: print(‘listening..’) voice = listener.listen(source) command = listener.recognize_google(voice) print(command) it is giving me the output: listening.. result2: { ‘alternative’: [{‘confidence’: 0.97219545, …

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Pyttsx3 Ubuntu aplay:main:831 Error audio open error

Pyttsx3 Ubuntu aplay:main:831 Error audio open error Question: I’ve been trying forever to get my pyttsx code working. I am working in a Github codespace based on Linux Ubuntu. Since it is not my own I can’t access any of its settings. enter image description here I’ve ran a number of different commands to try …

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Why does python pyttsx3 ignore my 3rd input?

Why does python pyttsx3 ignore my 3rd input? Question: I am trying to get pyttsx3 to say text, a variable, and then more text, but for some reason it ignores the 3rd input and moves on to the next line of text. Here is the code: elif "what is the weather" in query: replaced_temp = …

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Not answering for a long time. speech_recognition

Not answering for a long time. speech_recognition Question: So i have this code that will listen to you speech recognition and and answer using pyttsx3 and openai but the problem is speech_recognition gets everything right but it will give errors if i say gibberish or just mute. can please help me. me no English code: …

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Writing unit test for a dependent function

Writing unit test for a dependent function Question: I have this function that asks the user for the gender of the voice and then reads the text in that voice. If the user input is not either male or female it raises a value error. I want to write a unit test for this function, …

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Make python code function as microphone using pyttsx3?

Make python code function as microphone using pyttsx3? Question: Hello I often have the trouble of not being able to speak with my friends over discord at night as my better half sleeps right behind me. Is there a way that I can use the small code I made here to "speak" for me when …

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why is my speech recognition not working in python

why is my speech recognition not working in python Question: I am working on this project and its simply a desktop Assistant I am using speech recognition and pyttsx3 but the speech recognition is not working after the try nothing is executing it just jumps to except and passes can someone tell me why? and …

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Import "speech_recognition" could not be resolved

Import "speech_recognition" could not be resolved Question: I installed the speech recognition and the pyttsx3 libraries pip install SpeechRecognition pip install pyttsx3 but when i try to import them it gives two errors Import "speech_recognition" could not be resolved Import "pyttsx3" could not be resolved heres my code import speech_recognition as sr import pyttsx3 audio …

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Change pyttsx3 language

Change pyttsx3 language Question: When trying to use pyttsx3 I can only use English voices. I would like to be able to use Dutch as well. I have already installed the text to speech language package in the windows settings menu. But I can still only use the deafaut english voice. How can I fix …

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