
PyTube printing video resolutions

PyTube printing video resolutions Question: Is there a way to print all the video resolutions clearly from pytube import YouTube # enter video URL video_url = "" # create youtube thing yt = YouTube(video_url) # Get list of all resolutions resolutions = [] for stream in yt.streams.filter(progressive=True): resolutions.append(stream.resolution) # sort resolutions and print resolutions.sort() print("Available …

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Pytube common error while downloading video PYTHON

Pytube common error while downloading video PYTHON Question: I am trying to download a YouTube video using pytube but i get the error bellow, this error has been mentioned in stack overflow many times but almost all of them are outdated. This and this questions are having the same problems and are left unanswered. This …

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pytube: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'span'

pytube: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'span' Question: Yesterday this works fine, today i’m getting error on my local machine, colab notebook, even on my VPS. /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/pytube/ in get_throttling_plan(js) 409 match = 410 –> 411 transform_plan_raw = find_object_from_startpoint(raw_code, match.span()[1] – 1) 412 413 # Steps are either c[x](c[y]) or c[x](c[y],c[z]) from pytube …

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tkinter freezing even while using threading

tkinter freezing even while using threading Question: using threading in tkinter import tkinter import customtkinter import webbrowser import threading from pytube import YouTube customtkinter.set_appearance_mode("System") # Modes: "System" (standard), "Dark", "Light" customtkinter.set_default_color_theme("blue") # Themes: "blue" (standard), "green", "dark-blue" class App(customtkinter.CTk): def __init__(self): super().__init__() # configure window self.title("YouTube Downloader") self.resizable(0, 0) self.geometry(f"{820}x{460}") # configure grid layout (4×4) …

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How do I search for and download videos in pytube?

How do I search for and download videos in pytube? Question: I want to create a song or video downloader in python with pytube. I have only seen that you can download videos if you have the link. I want to use the search feature in pytube and then download the first video that comes …

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Pytube Channel video_urls is does not working

Pytube Channel video_urls is does not working Question: I want to scrape a youtube channel with pytube Channel but I get an index error because I got zero URLs. Anything else is working well just video_urls is not working. my code: c = Channel("") print(f"This is a test number of video urls: {len(c.video_urls)}") for url …

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problem with downloading videos that had same title in youtube playlist with pytube

problem with downloading videos that had same title in youtube playlist with pytube Question: In youtube playlist, if videos had same title, existing/downloaded video is replaced by the new video. Example: a playlist consist 2 youtube videos : A & A First A isn’t showing up in files because second A replaced first video. I …

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