
How to analyze several CAD files with python

How to analyze several CAD files with python Question: I have several cad files that I want to analyze. I want to analyze several cad files (step file,stl file), like a plate with several holes inside of it. I want to extract all the dimensions of these files (height,width of the plate and radius of …

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Extrude a concave, complex polygon in PyVista

Extrude a concave, complex polygon in PyVista Question: I wish to take a concave and complex (containing holes) polygon and extrude it ‘vertically’ into a polyhedron, purely for visualisation. I begin with a shapely Polygon, like below: poly = Polygon( [(0,0), (10,0), (10,10), (5,8), (0,10), (1,7), (0,5), (1,3)], holes=[ [(2,2),(4,2),(4,4),(2,4)], [(6,6), (7,6), (6.5,6.5), (7,7), (6,7), …

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Add point data to mesh and save as vtu

Add point data to mesh and save as vtu Question: I am trying to add more properties to a *vtu file using pyvista. I have written a python code which generates 9 columns of data for all the points in the mesh. I want to add them to the existing *vtu file. I found add_field_data, …

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How to extract edges from polydata as connected features?

How to extract edges from polydata as connected features? Question: I have a polydata structure and its extracted edges but computed with extract_feature_edges function as unconnected cells (separated lines). Is it possible to connect those cells (lines) from their common points and then get the different features (lands, islands such as what you can see …

Total answers: 2

How to set group name when exporting pyvista mesh to wavefront obj

How to set group name when exporting pyvista mesh to wavefront obj Question: I am generating some cylinder meshes from some csv data and adding them to a PyVista plotter, using this I then export them to an ‘.obj’ file using the export_obj method. The problem is I want to associate a group name with …

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PyVista mesh triangulation – vertex indices

PyVista mesh triangulation – vertex indices Question: I have a triangulated mesh that I generated with the Delaunay 3D function in PyVista. I would like to calculate the surface area of the mesh adding up the areas of all the triangles. Is there a way to obtain the indices of the simplices triangles from the …

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